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Old 05-04-2012, 08:50 PM
rando1994 rando1994 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 40

Three years ago my first lesson was at the east skyway. It was exhausting, exhilarating and downright crazy to try to learn there. I had one moment of brilliance where it all came together as I raced downwind, through kiter traffic, toward the rocks by the highway. Riding, yes. But completely out of control. I was wise enough to not just lock up. Instead dropped everything and dove for the water. Stopped well short of the rocks, but close enough to realize what a bad location that was to learn kiting. My instructor was 400 yards upwind and any advice he may have had was worthless as soon as I started planing downwind...

Next lesson was with Steve o and his ski. A mile offshore off sunset beach. I'll never forget him following me just upwind on his ski, hollering advice and instruction as I concentrated on keeping the kite in the air and my feet under me. I had no idea where I was other than knowing no matter how fast or far i went, Steve o was right there with encouragement.

When I finally dumped the kite, I bet I was 4 miles downwind of sunset beach.

I don't know anything about pasa, iko, or any kite teaching organization. What I do know, is if you are a newb, you need to ride a ski, wayyyy offshore with your instructor, and then get your lessons on.

Nothing, IMHO, will cause your skills to progress faster than being able to ride without worrying about navigation, other kiters, obstacles, land, etc.

I had the luck of getting going on my first dive of the kite. The rest was not pretty, but as I rode off, I had the sublime luxury of endless terrain downwind and an instructor in my ear.

Learning on foot? Sorry, all work and very little payoff.

And one last note:

Steve o may be one opinionated sob, but he's the most fair instructor you'll find. My second lesson, he had his ski, took me out, and even though I was booked for three hours with him, he really only dropped me off then 'kept an eye' on me. For over three hours. He would not take our previously agreed upon $300.

I can say with all sincerity that I have recommended Steve o and his ski to everyone asking about instruction in the Tampa area.

Ktb? You have skills and passion, I'll give you that. But I see you at skyway all the time and the only vibe I get from you is arrogance. Not friendly or helpful, at least from my own perspective.

That said, skyway is becoming a kookfest. I'd be happy to work toward an effort to organize and help maintain access.
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