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Old 08-16-2012, 09:48 AM
kent kent is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 430

Hi Eric,

I drafted a response to your concerns yesterday, however I ran of of time to post. I think that Rick actually provided quite a bit of information, but as this was already written, I thought that I might as well post it.

If you have real concerns and / or suggestions that you would like to discuss, I'd encourage you to set up a meeting with Luke at the shop. He is an avid waterman and a certified instructor that has taught at a variety of locations, some of which have similar access issues. If you let me know a few days in advance, I'd be happy to join the conversation.

Rick has provided quite a bit of information regarding his recommendations with respect to local riding, however as you are living on the beach, I'm sure you have some additional insight that we could all benefit by. Although I live in Miami and don't ride in your area, I’m pretty familiar with the riding situation from Ft. Lauderdale to Boca. I’ve personally attended several of the municipal hearings pertaining to access issues around Pompano. I’ve also participated in a few group meetings regarding riding guidelines along Ft. Lauderdale beaches, the last of which was hosted by Jessie of Liquid. I’m sure that I must have seen you at a few of these meetings, as enforcement agencies are encouraged to know that we seriously care about being involved in recommendations regarding locally accepted riding guidelines and access issues.

It may be important for you to know that teaching will be done at our Matheson location. Without a doubt, we have invested more than others in the S. Florida area to insure that our instructors are well-trained, top rate, and provide consistent service. Unlike many other instructional groups, we are accredited, insured, legally allowed to teach at our venue, and work consistently to maintain great riding areas. We are not another “fly by night” kite school that holds little, to no regard for local riders or riding areas. We have skin in the game and our financial benefit lays in preserving long term access, while creating responsible and independent riders. We do not push herds of people though the programs to bill more hours.

In the meantime, if you are truly unaware of our organization and our long-term commitment to riding issues that may affect you, I’d encourage you to do a bit more research so that you can arrive at a more informed conclusion regarding our potential impact on the area.

Please let me know if you arrange something with Luke. I’ll do my best to attend. If not, feel free to pick up the phone and give me a buzz with any unanswered questions and / or suggestions that you might have. Thanks.

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