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Old 04-28-2006, 07:02 PM
Posts: n/a

I noted the post on the stolen board and it strikes a sour note with me, given that I usually have boards all over the beach during a session. I usually have the Glide out as well as a small board, sometimes two small boards. I guess I need to modify my habits.

When things are crowded or I am riding way out, I will sometimes keep unused boards in the Element of Surpise, but it can be sketchy getting a board out of the vehicle with the kite in the air.

For my part, I am willing to bitch some boards out to my bros if they need a switch out during a session. Give me a shout and let me know. If I am standing around on the beach while the wind is blowing, I might as well make myself useful anyhow.

Plenty of people taken boards out of the Element for me (maybe only because I make people nervous when I am flying a powered kite with one hand while digging through the Team Ele-mental flagship with the other).
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