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Old 04-30-2006, 09:43 PM
Optionryder420 Optionryder420 is offline
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Older, sure, more experienced, doubtful. The only one I take seriously in this topic is Bryan.

And like I said, I'm not allowed to carry.

I'm very cautious because I DO know what happens around here and the Tampa area... if you don't know, I wasn't exactly as straight edge as I am now.

I don't go out looking for trouble now since I'm straight edge. Before, like Josh mentioned, I wasn't so "good." Sure, I used to be very hotheaded and would pull a gun in an instant... I've grown up a lot since being out of highschool and getting out of that scene. I'm pretty certain there are a few others on this board that weren't as straight edge as they seem now.

And toby, you are insistent on claiming guns are the root of evil. Guns don't kill people, people do. The firearms I have/plan to get will more then likely only be used to punch holes in paper. Guns don't only kill, quit reading liberal media and only believing that.

I'm pretty sure you or anybody else would be greatful if someone pulled a gun on you and some stranger shot that person, wouldn't you?

Like I believe I said, if I am or am not carrying, you nor anyone else would know anyways. I'm not about to flash it (although I do wish Florida would instate a open carry law) and try to look cool. It's simply for personal protection and because I like to shoot.

How are guns fine when they are locked up and unloaded? They aren't serving one of their many purposes if they're like that. I prefer mine as close as possible with a full magazine loaded (although no rounds in the chamber when not on person).

St. Pete/Tampa have VERY high crime rates, I'm not sure if you are aware of this. Shit, just 2 years ago my cousin was shot and killed in Tampa over 7 dollars... so I shouldn't be worried? I think I'll keep guard myself, since I used to find myself in Tampa quite often, and still head over there on occasion today. Shit, just on the way home from purchasing a firearm, I was confronted by the guys that hit me and they were making threats. They didn't do anything, but if anything did happen, I would've sure been happy I loaded those magazines up and had them ready.

And if cops are allowed to carry, why shouldn't any citizen be allowed to? Do you know who did ban all firearms and take them away? Hitler and Stalin are just a few names that come up in my mind.

3.5million crimes are STOPPED a year from civilian owned firearms. There are 35,000 deaths related to firearms a year, other then self defense... BUT that's including all gang members shooting gang members and etc. And, anybody that knows anything about burgulary won't carry a gun in onto one. And why do you make a difference between a gun being used on a cop or civilian? Cops do NOT have some superhuman ability or intelligence. My friend is a cop, he dropped out of school in 8th grade... that sure tells you something now doesn't it. Don't get me started on the ueslessness of the Pinellas county sheriff. Even then, most cops encourage concealed carry among civilians. Only people killing people are people that already illegally carry a gun.

And even if you guys say I'm not welcome at the beach if I have a gun, it's not your call, it's my right as a U.S. Citizen. I'm not using it there for protection from any of you, but what if I was just out shooting, or what if I just bring it everywhere I go? If I even have it at the beach, none of you would know anyways, and if I did, too bad, you'll live, it's not going to shoot you by itself.

And if EVERYONE carried a firearm for protection, the world would be a whole lot more polite.

I know I'm not allowed to shoot someone just for fistfighting, and if someone was trying to fight me, it's my responsiblity to WALK AWAY. Only way I'm even going to reach for my gun is if someone else has already drawn theirs. Since I'm 18 and not even allowed to carry (besides a few rules I'm allowed to have it on my property IE car, house, etc.) I have to be even more careful then those 21+ year olds with CWP.

Saying that "self defense" crap is such non-sense toby, my 100% left wing neighbor came over spouting that off (along with her lefty husband telling my uncle {an army ranger and other more classified stuff I don't know about} that the Iraq war didn't even happen) she could shoot a black guy walking down the road because she felt threatened. It's the same as you're saying about a fistfight. If I were to shoot someone over some stupid confrontation, I'd be facing 20 years. As you said so yourself, I'm a smart guy... I'm not about to shoot someone (which I've said in the last few posts besides the original) over nothing.

And trust me, I've gone through my "mistake making phase." It's been over for some time now...

My guns are just for punching holes in paper guys, I doubt I'll ever run into any trouble, but if I do, at least I'm prepared.

And don't think bad things only happen in certain neighborhoods...

Do you think any more professional criminals are going to try to make money in the ghetto? that's a negative... although more professional criminals usually won't carry guns.

See you guys out there.
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