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Old 05-06-2006, 08:58 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

(Skyway Scott rant.. best to skip it) I will need intervention if this bill gets passed.

F'n govt. Bunch of hypocrites. Lets let poor people blow their money online buying 50 lotto ticks each week at 1 in 21 million chance of escaping poverty, yet outlaw online poker, where people actually have a chance, most do it as entertainment, and it is a game of skill. WTF?!

Yep, I am going off. Puritanical hypocrites. If they don't want people hurting themselves/going broke, why don't they outlaw cars? We are going broke filling them up!! and people DIE in them every day. This is just sick.

Now that I am full time, Uncle Sam thinks it is their "moral" obligation to protect Americans (from what? spending money on entertainment?). They allow us to go broke or in debt up to our asses with credit cards.. what exactly is their duty, here? Puritanical BS.

Hey, I have an idea, if you want to protect Americans... don't send them off to die. Or, outlaw alcohol, people kill others driving drunk and it eats your liver alive!! Better outlaw kiting too. What's next? Wendy's, cuz it gives me cholesterol? #$%^

I mean.. c'mon.. leave us the alone and let us mess up on our own.
Since when did our gov't take on the role of being our mommy?

(Scott rant for the year... you knew it was coming at some point)
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