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Old 01-10-2005, 09:52 PM
Lindy @ Lindy @ is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Michigan
Posts: 76

Greetings Everyone!

Thank you to everyone who helped make this such a successful fundraiser. As of Sunday at midnight, we have 124 orders and have raised $620 for the Red Cross. I personally wrote and delivered it to the Red Cross office today myself to be deposited to the International Response Fund for the SE Asia Tsunami Disaster Relief. When I was there, they were also aiding a couple who had just lost everything in a fire. What a great service the Red Cross is offering humanity!

Red Cross Receipt for week #1:
I know that we will match that amount for week 2. Tell a friend!

I've found out that Red Cross relies strictly on private investors (meaning: you, me, or pepsi.. etc) It is a common misconception that they are goverment funded (which they are not) because the goverment occassionally will use the Red Cross to distribute money for large disasters. Our contributions really do make a difference for the Red Cross. Your help has mattered, not only to the Red Cross, but also the people of SE Asia. With little steps we've taken to help out, we've shown that a lot of little steps together equals one big "boom" when we do it all together! I've run across so many people who have been inspired by how humanity will come together in times of need. If anything good has come from such an awful tragedy, it's proof that humans will do what it takes to help one another in need. For that, I thank you.

Lindy DeVries-Campbell

\"Throw your dreams into the air like a kite and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.\" - Anais Nin
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