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Old 05-24-2010, 07:18 PM
kent kent is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 430

I hear you trouble shooter. Being a long time windsurfer myself, I fully understand your concerns. It's a big job, but it has to be done as our access can not sustain any more "parking lot rides". Two of three launches being controlled is better that zero of zero launches being available to ride in my opinion.

Regarding your IKO card. It would be best if you can find it or ask your certifier for another one. We will not simply be able to accept the Crandon streamer given current concerns over actual certification examinations at that venue. I'm sure that it's being done correctly, however our staff's name will be on the card and they respect what it is intended to represent. I need to take my check out as well and will gladly pay the $15 for it. In truth, I think I self rescue about 50% of the time I ride, but I couldn't tell you if I'm doing it properly. I hope I pass!!!

Improvements will be great and we will undertake projects as they are authorized by Park management. I'm sure Mr. West can provide more info on this at the meeting.

PS. In posts above there were some comments with respect to fees, etc. Please read the original post regarding this. There are no mandatory fees for riders that are already level 3 certified. If you choose to opt into the "ticket to ride" program, you may do so at your own discretion.
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