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Old 03-23-2009, 03:51 PM
kent kent is offline
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Posts: 430

I know where you are coming from Chris. My legs really got burned out too. After the race, Billy and I were discussing the fact that Sean probably had an unfair advantage... Unfortunately his unfair advantage had nothing to do with his leg, it was his Pit Bull fighting spirit!

I'm going to chew on some shoe leather and eat rocks to toughen up a bit before the next race.

In truth, I haven't kited more than 3-4 times in the last 3 + months. I was however doing some light squats just to keep my legs from shrinking away totally. In the end, my legs were bad, but if i had been running or doing some cardio it would have helped be get off the beach. I just couldn't recover fast enough. In hindsight it would have been better for me to hit the beach and wait for a solid minute or 2 before trying to launch again. I got nervous and tried too quick and it cost me even more time.

The funny part is after the race i kept hearing people saying the same thing... "boy you sure looked comfortable, i didn't think that i'd catch you". Sean said this to me, but I can honestly say that I was never comfortable. I also heard someone say the same about Andy, Billy, and Gebi. In the end, i guess that the grass is always greener, but nobody in this race was ever too relaxed. It sure was nice to hear both Gebi and Andy say that their legs were fried too!
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