Thread: 2008 Waroos
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Old 01-18-2008, 07:36 AM
Tom Stock
Posts: n/a

Since most riders only ride back and forth and do small jumps, whats the point anyway? Not like they need the pro model. But some beginners seek out the best gear they can find hoping to shorten the learning curve and assume that because the price is higher that it's better gear. Unfortunately price has absolutely nothing to do with the design of the kite. That has to do with labor costs and profit margins. Hype doesn't mean anything either, that has to do with commissions.

I based my kite choice on 3 years of kiting experience moving into a lot of unhooked riding, Scott on 8 years also just moving into a lot of unhooked riding, Billy on 7 or 8 (?) years as a superhero, Crazy Jay on his (8?) years doing crazy kite loops to blind and unhooked riding on small C kites, and most beginners on 2 hours of experience relaunching in 8 knots.

My point is everyone is at a different level and they choose the kite for the level they are riding at and the type of riding they do. A free riding kite is not a freestyle kite.

The kite for Billy may not be the kite for the guy who's only been riding 6 months and isn't unhooking. Maybe he just wants low end grunt instead of a fast looping kite.

Variety is what makes the world interesting. Spend what you want, ride what you want, and as you progress you'll probably find your kite flavors changing.

When someone recommends a kite, ask what type of riding they do and how long they've been riding and it'll help you decide if it's your type of kite.
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