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Old 09-04-2007, 12:44 PM
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bryanleighty bryanleighty is offline
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Location: St. Petersburg, FL
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cool deal Scott.. its a great start.. i would bet that as time went on a permanent sign could be put in place... maybe we could get a big Magnet sign that would wrap around a garbage can??

Tom had the velcro straps to a tree sign.. that is good..and easy for carry..

also could just get a simple plastic folding sign.. one that would break down easy .. and not be considered a hazard for riders..

for EB .. if it has to be a sign that is not permanent, we might need to make a number of them and distribute them to the instructors who could do their best to keep the signs displayed as often as possible.

Also.. we could print up some nice pamphlets with the list of recommendations and ensure that all local kiters had a nice size stash for themselves and for distribution. Always liked the idea of having some sort of flyer or brochure that could be given to people on the beach asking questions about the sport.

*** side note.. i just read a funny-as-hell post by a guy in hood river posting a possible way to cut down on the huge influx of new kiters. if you are on the beach with your kite in the air and someone asks how to get involved with the sport, simply unhook and unleash and hand them the kite and say "here, give it a try.."

Your mother flies a C-kite.

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