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Old 06-18-2009, 09:12 AM
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jetpack jetpack is offline
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Location: New Port Richey
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I think a PDf is a fine idea. At leasts it's something. I've been only involved with this awesome recreation for a couple of months but already I've developed a keen sense I might have arrived to the party a day late.

Is it odd I feel that loud, obnoxious water-craft, spewing out water & air pollution, burning up dead dinosaurs, seem to have more access to the beaches and water then we do? It's not a good feeling. I hope I'm wrong.

A wise sage once said, "Stupid is as stupid does".

We are responsible for our own actions. We will reep what we sow in this recreation. Do something stupid, like I and others saw at Sunset the other day & we can expect nothing less than to lose another launch site.

Side story

"I should have said something". I'm mad as all heck that I didn't say something. Andrea saw it, she knew it, I knew it too. Tuesday a father and son team pull their car up on the sand at Sunset. Orange kite.

About 4-5 other kiters are setting up. I'm shutting down and just watching. They seem to be in a race setting up as fast as they can. They are attaching lines while the kite is upside down after it was inflated and not secured. Twice I saw the wind pick up the kite and father had hold onto it from going downwind while he attached lines. Did he not want to take the effort to flip it?

Then while others are setting up to launch (this really pissed me off) they didn't bother to launch from the waters edge like every one had been doing. The wind was WNW and on the edge of weak to OK. Did the poor kid not want to get wet?

So with the kite at the top of beach and the kid at the waters edge, the father is holding up the kite. Lines going across other lines and worst of all this is just upwind of the mangroves, me, Andrea, Hameed and some tourists next to the mangroves. Andrea and I look at each other shaking our head, she says to me, "This is why we are going to lose Sunset someday".

I had launched my 15m earlier and it was just able to get up, but it was right on the edge. It could have easily "back up" and go downwind before it was flying. So here we have these people rushing and launching their kite across peoples lines, upwind of people, in a low-wind state, creating a dangerous situation.

All it would take for this kite to come downwind crashing lines and itself into people, kiters and the mangroves was the wind to calm then pick up. Which it had been doing. A simple walk to the waters edge would have avoided this scenario.

Being the noob to the area, I said nothing. Man was I pissed about it the next day when I talked with Brian and Steve-O. I'm a pilot and I asked Steve-O where he thought most accidents take place. 95% of airplane accidents happen during either taking off or landing. They happen in blue skies when things are not expected to go wrong. That's where the mistake lies. This was just that scenario. Just insert a big a$$ kite.

Now we all know there is a difference between being naive, being inexperienced and knowing better. I know I'll do something in the future not so smart. But I'll learn from it and strive not to repeat it.

I soon learned this is a re-occuring theme. Next time, Ill say something. To the father and son team - That was "stupid is as stupid does". I'm not gonna walk away next time wishing I had said something.

End of side story
Being proactive, not reactive. It's the only thing that helps. We learn this too late in life and then regret follows.

Steve-O, I though about your fireman story from the other day. No doubt an accident looking for a spot to happen. Here's my take on where he's coming from.

It might have something to do with the fact that he is a fireman. HUH!? Here's what I mean. I'm sure he has gone through some of the training like myself (pilot). Checklists, saftey gear, re-occuring checks, evaluations. etc... So here we have a guy looking to get onto the water and have a little fun. The last thing he wants is more lessons, more of someone showing him what to do. He deals with it all day. I'm not defending him. Just saying that's a possible angle that he's coming from.

Me on the other hand, I'm chickin little. I'll listen to instruction all day long.

Last edited by jetpack; 06-18-2009 at 10:03 AM.
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