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Old 03-09-2008, 06:09 PM
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Magnum T.I. Magnum T.I. is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Private Instigator, Treasure Island
Posts: 48

Yes, we know each other B-rad, we're both kiters...
Sure let's discuss it... I was there about 4minutes, here's what I saw between the slider and shore: Suicide leashes, no helmets, balls out kiting with bystanders in the wind window,kiteloops,jump transitions, trees, rocks, cars directly downwind, and jet skis blazing through the riding area -which was mainly the area between the sailboat and shore.I must admit that I didn't really see any kites in the trees, I just threw that in for effect. But I do have some sail tape if you guys need some.....

I just dont think that was a good choice considering the recent bans created by riding 2 close to shore. Maybe you and the "pros" or whoever it was should realize that a slider 100' from shore is flat out dangerous, and actions such as that are what needs attention in our sport.

If you didn't listen to the infomercial, ALL kiters are encouraged to stand up for their spots, and call out bad behavior, and it shows no preference to riding level,# of jet skis, or sponsorship status. Shit man, you're getting off easy with just a slight ribbing, the experts suggested videotaping it and making it public.

Nice talkin at ya, see you on the sandbar....

BTW, Friday's looking kinda sweet from the SE, see ya on the water!
~In a battle of wits, common sense wins every time.