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Old 01-06-2009, 06:56 AM
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LSUkiter LSUkiter is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: St Petersburg FL
Posts: 160


I'm really not trying to be a d?ck, but don't even consider it. Look at what you've looked like in the past, and the potential damage you've done for the sport. Come on, there's been thread after thread on kiteforum, and a few on here, of people who don't support you and are unhappy with the outcome of your accident(and that's saying it nicely). I know that you're trying to redeem yourself, but dude, sometimes the only wayt to do that is just stay the f?ck out of the spotlight.
I really hope you choose not to do this interview. I can't believe any of your local riders would look highly upon it. I suspect if you were one of our local riders here and you did another interview(only 6 already? come on dude that's enough), you'd hear about it from everybody on the beach.

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