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Old 05-18-2006, 03:39 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

I understand Tom and others frustration/suspicion.

I do know that David (and Chili) put in ALOT of effort to try to get us a sensor at: The redington long pier -- (Tony Bolgna screwed 'em).

Fort DeSoto -- (initial high hopes were left to fall by the wayside.. by the park).

Ikite tried. Sounds like they are ready for round 2. Thing is, we have zero to lose. THEY have alot of time and energy to lose on what might appear to them to be a "tough town" with disinterested kiters and whacked pier owners :?

It'd be great if alot of us just fill out the free form and show interest. It's kind of like a petition with a perk, is it not?
If the stuff they put up works, great, if not, they lost time and energy, while we wasted only 3 minutes filling out a form.
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