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Old 12-15-2006, 11:15 AM
kent kent is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 430

Rick will post soon, but the forecast looks very good. I think that it would be best to have everyone start at 10 a.m. We will have a riders meeting before then and I believe that a representative from SAL will be on hand to accept donations and say a few words about their program.

At the riders meeting, everyone will have to buddy up and each buddy is responsible for their own buddy (kind of makes you think of Garry Menk... everyone's little buddy). We will get a general idea of who's racing down and who's just cruising down. I do think that it is important for everyone to finish inside of 4 hrs., so please don't spend too much time at Stiltsville if you are just cruising. We don't what to have to look for people after dark. The fastest riders will make the ride in just over 1 hr. while it should be an easy ride in 2 hrs.

REMEMBER. This is just an informal down wind ride, but you need to be responsible for all riders and your buddy. Look out for obstructions in the water over the flats. Bring a cell phone, VHF, etc., if you can't tread water for more than 6 hrs...

PS. If anyone is interested in racing down, I might suggest a wager of a 12 pack from each racer... winner take all? Let me know and I'll bring my 12...

PSS. After riding at Matheson we can do Taco's at Taco Rico or swill some beers at Flanigans. Thoughts?

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