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Old 07-23-2010, 10:17 PM
biohorn biohorn is offline
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Location: The land of Cleve
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Default New link for image...who in the hell would ride in that?

Hi Rick and all,

I found a working link for that storm photo. This thing is a monster. The YouTube video also captures it's power and scale quite well.

So you all tell me...would you keep riding after seeing that thing coming? (not like you could miss it!) Surely everyone was on nice big kites and now will try to cope with the first blast of gusts. How can one test a 40+ mph emergency release (with a big kite)? Sounds like a nightmare to me.

We had a similarly powerful front come through Cleveland about 6-7 years ago. The horizon was gray like a big fire. It went from sun to near black. They rolled in at ground level easily at 30+ mph, maybe more like 40+. Right as it came by it was carrying a load of birds, dust, rain. As it started to come by it was hard to tell whether or not it was a tornado. I went back home and looked at the radar. It was a solid red THIN line stretching about half the state.

A while back a Canadian fellow (experienced rider) got caught in one of those, knocked unconscious and thrown into a structure. Experienced rider riding alone. He did not make it.

We had a big one last year. Here it is on YouTube.

Notice how the winds goes every direction! As we basically never get s-e rains, it did a good job of power washing decades of dust off our brick front of house.
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