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Old 02-22-2007, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by The Kite House View Post
just had a sick session on monday. I paddled out to an island that i go to with a right that wraps, mostly waist and chest high sets...real nice....for the keys it unreal. I could see further on the outside there was maybe a sand bar, with huge waves breaking. Was a bit far, but then i thought this is why i have the paddle and bought this board.....needless to say i paddled out another 3/4 mile to the next sections, and it was over head and just bombing, i got some epic rides and huge drops on a 12 ft board. I hope to get some photos from a couple of guys that went by to go fishing that were freaking out that i was out there.

Another epic sesion with more to come, this really makes surf possible for me, love it.

aloha paul

p.s. i have a strobe and a flare inside the tube of my paddle........

Great story, thanks for passing it along! That is something I've always enjoyed, riding point to point over distances be it by windsurfing way back, kites today and perhaps even standup sometime soon. This was around Sand Key?

How is your board handling with approaching waves coming and kick turns? I guess you do these sessions with zip adverse wind, correct? If too much wind blows up out of the wrong direction, worse case you lie on the board and paddle and paddle in the old fashioned way?

Smart to carry the signaling aid, keeps it out of the way in the paddle. I would probably stash mine in the waist pouch I have used for some of the other distance kiting events.
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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