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Old 06-12-2008, 12:12 PM
TBKA TBKA is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 124

I think getting the media involved is a good idea only if this is properly organized and we can show that we aren't just a bunch of "overgrown skateboarders".
Scott, your 5 hours a week has been more like 20 a week for a while now. The website is clean and professional lookiing, and has a non commercialized feel to it.
With other donating a few hours a week to our projects in other areas, things would really move forward.
I made a note on the Shell Key cleanup story that serves as a good example:
With 40 volunteers working for 2 hours each, we totaled 80 man hours towards that project in just one Saturday morning, allowing the rest of the day for play.
Pinellas County got 80 man hours of labor for free ( from the kiters), and that 80 hours saved them time, money, and effort. Thats how they view these things.
This assn./or org. is the same deal, everyone donates a few hours of their time in specific areas, and suddenly we have 2, 3, or more FULL timers getting things done in an efficient manner.
Here's a pipe dream for you- 100 kiters working 4 hours a week (average 45 min. a day) equals 10 full time positions. We all waste that amount of time reading these forums.
That 45 minutes making a few calls or doing some research can REALLY make a difference in the big picture, and make events like Mike is speaking of, a realistic goal.
There is literally a position for everyone, regardless of talents or skill level, and some TBKA members have more time in this assn. than they do on the water.
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