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Old 07-10-2009, 10:57 AM
greg meintjes greg meintjes is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: St Augustine, Fl
Posts: 229
Default nude beach - loss of smathers beach

I will be happy to work with you with the city , every time I have gone to the city I have had the courtesy to inform you and invite you to come with, I have also contacted as many other people and asked for their opinion and invited them to be involved. You declined because you told me I do not understand the "Bubba system" I have also asked you to include myself and some of the other local riders in these meeting,s ,but Paul you always have some excuse, the last one was that it was a "behind cloed doors meeting"

My main concern is the preservation of Smathers as a riding area for all kiters , this includes making sure that no kiting company ,yours , mine or any others tries to get a licence to teach or run a kiting related business on the beach as this will ruin it for all the riders and is also unsafe. Another reason that I want to be involved is to protect my business interests, any decisions the city makes could affect my livelyhood.

So I agree , we do need to be united and on the same page to look professional, and I have no problem working with you or any other persons, you can even be our spokesperson, and I am very happy that Rick is coming down as I value his knowledge tremendously. I will happily have a meeting with you to sort these problems out but , I will not be excluded when it comes to preserving the sport I enjoy. Paul you have my number or you can PM anytime so we can work on this together.If you decide you still wish to pursue this alone , I wish you the best of luck.

Off topic , I hope you are getting good wind and waves down there as we are not getting anything here.

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