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Old 02-26-2007, 08:31 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by bryanleighty View Post
that there were not many new riders (or at least riders that were having troubles staying upwind) it really did not seem to be that crowded.
I didn't see anyone having trouble staying up wind but there were definitely a LOT of new riders. It was obvious because they would do strange things like turn around and tack right in front of you while you are in the air during a jump, or do half tacks back and forth in the jumping area or right near shore forcing you to turn back repeatedly and wait. Overall just a minor inconvenience of an otherwise great day.

Steady 25-30 from 11am to 4pm, perfect weather, no injuries, lots of stoke. I have a ton of video of you guys I will edit up tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks bayflite (at St. Pete Kitesurf) for letting me borrow the Cronic (board) all day... that board pops like mad and is fast as hell.
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