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Old 03-22-2007, 08:56 PM
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Purple Hayes Purple Hayes is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Kuwait City
Posts: 8

That's good news!

Thanks Ron.

That's funny that you mention the visibility, I thought (before listening to Rick's points) that would be my only reservation. I had this image of launching off of Salmiya losing sight of land pretty quickly, tacking back after a little while (but a few degrees off of my original line) and landing miles from where I started.

I think you really have to experience the dust, first hand, to appreciate it. One of my strongest memories of it was when I first got here; it was 3am and I looked out my window and saw what I thought was FOG (I didn't think sand storms occured at night and there wasn't much wind blowing). I could see halos around the street lights and the visibility was down to around 50m. That's the funny thing about the dust, it doesn't always require a strong wind to bring the visibility down. (there are a lot of factors such as convective lifting that stir the stuff up) When I stepped outside though, I could literally taste it!

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Hi Patrick,

There are others in Kuwait that Kitesurf and/or Groundboard/Buggy. We have an informal group that mostly communicates via SMS messages or just turns up when the wind blows. Your certainly welcome.

Some folks here taught themsleves to kite, others have gone off to Egypt or Europe to learn. I'd be glad to assist you with the basics if your serious about learning.

Here is a link to a forum that will give you a lot of the information you'll need to know about kiting in Kuwait such as safety, riding spots, where to get gear, etc...

I'm in Salmiya. Mobile 788.4934
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