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Old 03-05-2010, 09:56 AM
kitebdr1962 kitebdr1962 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 72

We are having a hard time in making a decision on what to do about the Event/Race this coming weekend, most likely it would be on Sunday...

Here is what We are asking, and P L E A S E respond to this email, honestly.. We are seeing that there MIGHT be NNE winds at 14 to 16 mph on Sunday...DOES EVERYONE WANT THIS EVENT/RACE TO HAPPEN...and no I am not yelling, just made it in caps..

Now let Me let everyone also know, that there has not been any waves over here, and the winds are changing to the north by tomorrow, sometime..What this means, that by Sunday, the waves could be big and with iffy winds, this could be an unsafe downwinder, but you would just have to use a big kite, and a big board...

We want the winds to be like last year, which were 15 to 20 plus, out of the NNE..We have the right direction, but the wind is somewhat questionable, in Our opinion, but it is up to Y'all to make the call..The majority emails will make this call, and We will post asap to everyone on the decision..

If the Event/Race is put off again, then the next time frame will be April the 3th or 4th, after that the 17th, 18th, or the 24th, 25th..Everyone knows why We are doing it on these weekends..So We do not take away from the other Events coming up. So with that being said, could anyone that is thinking about doing an event during the posted dates, please email Us back..If not, then We will keep this Event/Race alive/going if We post-pond it again this weekend.

One more thing, if there is less people coming, then ALL the work that we have done to bring in the Big Sponsors, with all the categorizes, then all the Sponsors will not get Their due..We are hearing and hoping for at least 50 to 60 plus riders for this Event/Race, if the winds come in during the weekends..This weekend could bring in less, because of the speed..

Again, We are at the mercy of the emails, so make your call, and We will do what the Riders Want...

A.J. Morgan
Kitetricity Kiteboarding School
VooDoo Kiteboarding
P.A.S.A. Examiner
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