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Old 08-22-2007, 04:55 PM
Unimog Bob Unimog Bob is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Parrish
Posts: 771

Like in many things I think keeping it simple is better. After some reflection, I’d suggest using just two colors. Green for competent self-sufficient rider and above, red for volunteer mentor/monitor. Those without bands would be those still learning and requiring close supervision at difficult launch sites, and also newcomers. A sign could be posted along the lines of, Kiteboarders, this is an intermediate to advanced riding site, please talk to a kiter with a red wrist band for more information. Then some disclaimer of liability. The Red bander could then issue a green band upon demonstration of skills or suggest alternate launches or lessons. Anyone without a band would end up getting approached so often they would want to get a band, and there is no color that carries a weenie stigma. I think just super fat rubber bands would do, you can't find them just any place and it keeps the cost down so when I forget mine I can beg Scott for another without feeling guilty.

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