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Old 05-13-2008, 02:01 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

Definitely staying positive.

I like some of those ideas Steve and hope to be at that meeting.
I would love (Steve and I discussed this and like the idea) to cooperate with a local(s) who would like to become a "historian". This is basically what RickI does an excellent job of state-wide. My vision is to have someone who would like to keep in touch with all the positive "goings on" in our community. They (more than one person is great) would talk to people, get photos (themselves or off of people) and then write an "article" once a week or 2 weeks or so.

I would then upload it to the new site that is being built
in a blog type format (time line oriented) to document all the great stuff around here. We have had a lot of good things happen just recently with Bill, Mike, ... the list is long. I think it would be great to start documenting this.

This serves to boost our moral, give shout outs, and in times of need, if it comes to it, the site could serve as "proof" of all the good going on around here.

So, anyone that is interested, please let me know.
Any and every article written for the site will have the author's name and date next to it with a link to wherever they want.

This is not a thing for me to make money off of, zero is the actual total.
But, I never do anything w/o a reason. I am hoping it might boost moral and in so doing, ultimately preserve access.

I will be pimping the site itself to clients, so... I am not against a little kite pimping (little) if it gets good stuff up on a site that is positive and contributes.

I hope I get a few volunteers. We could do podcasts, videos, just write articles with pics. There really are no limits, whatever you guys think up can be put on the site.

Currently the site is as bare bones as a site can get. It will grow, like a virus.
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