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Old 09-10-2007, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by popeye View Post
The double CL line only does one thing... it automatically releases the stopper ball. The depower amount is exactly the same as if you just let go of the bar while hooked in.

You only have two options with a waroo when you are overpowered and in trouble:

1) Crash the kite and grab or move your leash to the outside line before it relaunches. DONT FORGET TO UNDO THE VELCRO or the kite will relaunch and start looping immediately.

2) Pull the safety and then the leash release and ditch the kite completely.
this is why i switched back to fifth lines.... with (almost) any bow kite, if the wind goes from 15-35 and your leashed to the CL, your in trouble, they have great depower, but when you reach the limit.... then what????
with a Ckite, if it goes from 15-35 you just release to the fifth and the kite fully depowers, much safer for our fronts/squalls that we get alot....

also if the wind spikes and your ready for it, you just have to grab teh fifth line and pull in about 2-3 ft and your good, wait a few minutes for it to settle down and your off
handle passes are easy...
at least i think they were.. been so long i cant remember
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