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Old 02-16-2008, 08:07 PM
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Steve-O Steve-O is offline
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Ok so if anyone is game......I would like to compare the wind speed down south (East Beach) to up North (3 Rooker) tomorrow. Get a 12pm, 2pm, and 4pm read and lets compare notes. My hunch is it is a bit stronger up north which still baffles me to this day. Huge fetch across the bay vs. minor fetch in the coastal waterway north of Dunedin Causeway. I don't think sensor comparison will be too accurate.

Thanks for all the advice, I agree with Scott, should be a decent day in the afternoon as many previous days like tomorrow's forecast have shown. I can remember many a south blow with a 15knt forecast and its blowin 20-25knt. The frontal forecast for Mon-Wed looks decent which leads me to believe that tomorrow will be quite good. I guess we'll see.

Be safe and I hope there is not too much grillin down there.
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