Thread: Summertime Fun
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Old 07-22-2008, 07:07 AM
Kitespear813 Kitespear813 is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 190

The Fishing Rights Alliance, FRA, advocates the sustainable use of and access to marine fisheries. The FRA promotes reasonable and effective fisheries management policies primarily through community and political activism and user group interaction with the scientific community and the various regulatory agencies.

The FRA also endeavors to inform and educate the membership and general public about issues concerning access to marine resources. The FRA will actively defend the right to access.

The FRA acts to assure that fishery regulation is based on sound scientific methods using valid data and an accurate picture of the fishery.

The FRA will stand up and fight to protect your fishing rights.

This is how the FRA protects your fishing rights.

Attend fisheries management meetings

Maintain a full time watch on fishing regulations

Support active research in marine fisheries

Keep members informed and active

Defend your right to fish where you want (Resource Access).
Alert members to write/call/attend when needed

Maintain contact with fisheries management agencies

Question bad science

Defend your rights using good science

Protect the resource so you can still catch fish (Sustainable harvest).

When reason, logic and facts are not enough…..Legal action may be required. And our sharks don't lose.

More can be found here THEFRA.ORG
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