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Old 05-20-2007, 01:26 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a
Default Boys are dumb, throw rocks at them

It was a beautiful day. The wind was blowing in the mid twenties and I was on my 8.9 Wipika Free Air ripping it up. I was jumping 8 footers, grabbing the tail of my board, and even landing a couple of the jumps. Hell, I was even riding toe-side a full 30 yards. There were five of us at EB that day and why not? It was was a warm, windy and beautiful day.

Jayson and I were on opposing tacks. I was upwind of him keeping my kite as close to the water's surface as I could while forcefully holding my edge, throwing up a rooster tail of a spray, and simply loving life. It was a beautiful day. Suddenly, unpredictably -
Jayson starts yelling at me at the top of his lungs,
"What the #$%^ are you doing?"
Seconds later our lines (and my emotions) cross as he tries in vain to avoid the newbie. I immediately realize I screwed up, but honestly didn't know what I did. Jayson then goes on to explain the upwind (up with kite) and downwind (down with kite) concept to me and says "never $$## up like that again! Especially around me".

I still remember that day, how beautiful it was, how dumb I felt at that moment, and more importantly the upwind/downwind rule, now, forever, embedded into my memory.

Boys are dumb, yell rules at them.

The "Rasta-roo Rule Breaker" almost took me out twice today.
The second time he did it I yelled at him, "What the $#@ are you doing? You are jumping into me!"

When he came to shore an hour later to hang with all of us I jokingly said with a smile, "Are you trying to take us all out to have the water all to yourself?"
He said he was sorry and that he didn't mean to jump into me (I believe him, I have known him five years).

Did anyone else yell at him yesterday or just post about it?
Boys are dumb, I suggest you yell rules at them.

I honestly think our fellow kiter was ripping it up and having a beautiful day, not realizing what he was doing. If someone did tell him this yesterday, then let's just roll him up in seaweed, sprinkle some bread crumbs all over him, and let the seagulls peck at him.

Last edited by Skyway Scott; 05-20-2007 at 01:59 PM.
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