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Old 04-02-2013, 11:49 PM
troubleshooter troubleshooter is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: South Florida
Posts: 183

A state wide database may be too large of an area to cover. I often see outdated information in the various "comprehensive" kitebeach trackers out there. That outdated information in itself causes more problems then if that information were not even available.

Regional databases managed by kiters that call that region their home turf is more likely of a solution. My home range is anywhere from middle keys to central Florida east coast. I could tell you tons about those locations, but I couldn't tell you much about anywhere else in Florida without 100% confidence that the "rules" haven't changed since I was last there.

I seem to remember something Rick said about Hobie Beach or maybe I just read it somewhere. The authorities seemed to blame us in a way for not keeping things more organized and once they had to really step in....well that was it. So Im a bit confused on how we can distance ourselves and at the same time allow the authorities to handle issues. That topic needs a lot of discussion and calrification. It really comes down to responsible locals that guide the way.

We all know who the responsible locals are at our beaches. Its not the gung ho kiters that are busy bodys in everybody's business. No respect will be earned from that. Its the guys and gals that are there all the time, even when they are not kiting. The ones that land your kite without you even asking. The ones that take the time to explain to a noob what they are doing wrong and not just sitting back with their buddies laughing at them behind their back. Its the ones who dont care about looking cool. You know, the cool guy that comes in hot, jumps of his board, and hops around like a grasshopper with his kite at 12 right on the beach going from buddy to buddy yapping away.

Local kite control is the only effective way I have witnessed. I have seen several local kite groups in other areas that are very effective. One that comes to mind is the CGKA for the Columbia Gorge/Hood River area. Check out NWkitedotcome. I think the reason they are successful is three fold. First, they are local, really local to the spot. Second, the kitesurfing and windsurfing industry drives alot of the economy. Funny how that helps. Third, they get along with each other in the end. I think you two need alot of work on that one.

Good luck. Miami has unfortunately reached a level of complete and utter oversight at our kitebeaches. It unfortnately needs it.

Good luck with Tampa/St Pete issues also. You guys have alot more riding spots then we do in Miami. Isnt it funny, figure how much coast line in miles we have here, and its only a matter of several hundred feet permitted for kitesurfing.
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