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Old 08-03-2008, 08:46 PM
Big G's Avatar
Big G Big G is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 339
Default Free Stuff....

While cleaning out the garage today I came across several items that I will never use. I would like these items to go to someone who is new to the sport and taking lessons from an instructor. Some of these items need to be gone over by someone who is familiar with some of the older gear and who better than instructor or experienced rider.

(1) 15m GK Lift c-kite, I think its an 04. Been repaired flies good, has bag no bar.

(1) Pyro 05 XL waist harness, has surefire spreader w/leash

(1) Complete set of Machine 17.5m struts

(1) Machine 17.5 leading edge

(4) Slingshot bars, all have 4 lines and 1 has 5th line.

If your interested in any of these items, just get in touch with me and I'll hang on to them until I see you.

Big G
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