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Old 01-18-2008, 09:55 AM
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Default 72 Hour Notice

"Hi all,
As of right now it still looks like a go for Sunday am. The only doubt is that it maybe too North (according to wind guru) but it is only one forecast out of 5 that is predicting that. If Sunday is a no go Monday will be the alterative.

Either day there will be a riders meeting at kite beach in Jupiter at 8am with start time at 9am sharp. These times will be exact and if you miss them for any reason they will still happen with or without you.

I will be sending out a number of important e-mails over the next two days so stay tuned.
Cheers Neil"


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transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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Old 01-18-2008, 11:08 AM
kent kent is offline
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Cool. I'm all for early. In looking at the forecast it is supposed to continue to go to NNE or even NE as the day wears on. If you have the meetng at 8 sharp and it's still a bit North I suppose that you could still start as late as 11 and be safe. If riders don't make it to the check by 2 they should call it quits. This would still give a good opportuntiy for everone to finish well before 4 p.m. I'd just hate to see this thing go to Monday given all of the interest in the event. I'd sure like to see 80 plus riders in the water.

Pray for WIND (from the NNE at least)

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