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Old 01-15-2005, 04:06 PM
ricki's Avatar
ricki ricki is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Florida
Posts: 8,700
Default claudio raffle ticket numbers


The former list of numbers posted yesterday included transaction numbers that were issue to us that are DIFFERENT from the ones that PayPal initially gave you. It is PayPal's policy to change these numbers which was not known to us when we used the transaction numbers to report raffle numbers.

The following list gives initials and the date of the transaction as reported by PayPal. These were the raffle tickets used in last evening's raffle. If there are questions please PM ricki. Sorry for the confusion.

Date..........Name (Initials)...# Of Tickets...Start #...Final #
1/15/2005........WN...................20...........8675 37...867556
1/15/2005...........Z....................1............8 67536...867536
1/15/2005...........Z....................1............8 67535...867535
1/15/2005 Z 1 867534 867534
1/15/2005 Z 1 867533 867533
1/15/2005 Z 1 867532 867532
1/15/2005 JP 5 867527 867531
1/15/2005 BH 4 867523 867526
1/15/2005 LD 6 867517 867522
1/15/2005 AH 1 867516 867516
1/15/2005 RB 2 867514 867515
1/15/2005 GW 10 867504 867513
1/15/2005 FC 2 867502 867503
1/15/2005 OG 8 867494 867501
1/15/2005 DH 3 867491 867493
1/15/2005 RD 20 867471 867490
1/15/2005 MC 10 867461 867470
1/15/2005 DJ 5 867456 867460
1/15/2005 FC 10 867446 867455
1/15/2005 RH 4 867442 867445
1/15/2005 TR 1 867441 867441
1/15/2005 KB 2 867439 867440
1/15/2005 AD 2 867437 867438
1/15/2005 AS 2 867435 867436
1/15/2005 BM 20 867415 867434
1/15/2005 JR 1 867414 867414
1/15/2005 BM 5 867409 867413
1/15/2005 RG 2 867407 867408
1/15/2005 JC 1 867406 867406
1/15/2005 JS 1 867405 867405
1/15/2005 RH 4 867401 867404
1/15/2005 RHs 3 867398 867400
1/14/2005 TK 1 867397 867397
1/14/2005 KN 4 867393 867396
1/14/2005 JVZ 2 867391 867392
1/14/2005 JVZ 6 867385 867390
1/14/2005 DC 1 867384 867384
1/14/2005 HC 4 867380 867383
1/14/2005 DL 10 867370 867379
1/14/2005 NB 4 867366 867369
1/14/2005 EM 2 867364 867365
1/14/2005 KM 2 867362 867363
1/14/2005 SK 2 867360 867361
1/14/2005 MG 1 867359 867359
1/14/2005 CC 2 867357 867358
1/14/2005 AG 10 867347 867356
1/14/2005 DC 2 867345 867346
1/14/2005 DO 6 867339 867344
1/14/2005 CM 4 867335 867338
1/14/2005 RM 1 867334 867334
1/14/2005 RM 1 867333 867333
1/14/2005 RM 1 867332 867332
1/14/2005 RM 1 867331 867331
1/14/2005 AO 4 867327 867330
1/14/2005 RF 8 867319 867326
1/14/2005 MH 8 867311 867318
1/14/2005 GS 4 867307 867310
1/14/2005 BK 4 867303 867306
1/14/2005 AS 2 867301 867302
1/14/2005 DC 1 867300 867300
1/14/2005 TF 10 867290 867299
1/14/2005 RP 1 867289 867289
1/14/2005 JC 1 867288 867288
1/14/2005 MP 5 867283 867287
1/14/2005 JJ 10 867273 867282
1/14/2005 FF 4 867269 867272
1/14/2005 JG 4 867265 867268
1/14/2005 HW 5 867260 867264
1/14/2005 BG 1 867259 867259
1/14/2005 GM 15 867244 867258
1/14/2005 DSJ 20 867224 867243
1/14/2005 CHI. KB 1 867223 867223
1/14/2005 DQ 20 867203 867222
1/14/2005 PM 10 867193 867202
1/14/2005 SM 1 867192 867192
1/14/2005 JE 4 867188 867191
1/14/2005 NC 4 867184 867187
1/14/2005 TWT 10 867174 867183
1/14/2005 MP 2 867172 867173
1/14/2005 TJ 4 867168 867171
1/14/2005 MK 5 867163 867167
1/14/2005 KY 8 867155 867162
1/14/2005 IH 4 867151 867154
1/14/2005 JPR 1 867150 867150
1/14/2005 GI 6 867144 867149
1/14/2005 JD 5 867139 867143
1/14/2005 BK 1 867138 867138
1/14/2005 PH 6 867132 867137
1/14/2005 RA 5 867127 867131
1/14/2005 UR 5 867122 867126
1/14/2005 TR 2 867120 867121
1/14/2005 SB 10 867110 867119
1/14/2005 AR 4 867106 867109
1/13/2005 DSJ 2 867104 867105
1/13/2005 DW 2 867102 867103
1/13/2005 KR 10 867092 867101
1/13/2005 KL 8 867084 867091
1/13/2005 LM 4 867080 867083
1/13/2005 RKK 1 867079 867079
1/13/2005 HR 2 867077 867078
1/13/2005 RM 20 867057 867076
1/13/2005 RKK 2 867055 867056
1/13/2005 WM 2 867053 867054
1/13/2005 DC 2 867051 867052
1/13/2005 BW 1 867050 867050
1/13/2005 MA 4 867046 867049
1/13/2005 BG 2 867044 867045
1/13/2005 GDVD 10 867034 867043
1/13/2005 S SA d CV 4 867030 867033
1/13/2005 MD 2 867028 867029
1/13/2005 PNSA 2 867026 867027
1/13/2005 MM 10 867016 867025
1/13/2005 BA 1 867015 867015
1/13/2005 JB 18 866997 867014
1/13/2005 LL 2 866995 866996
1/13/2005 SF 4 866991 866994
1/13/2005 FM 1 866990 866990
1/13/2005 TS 1 866989 866989
1/13/2005 PP 3 866986 866988
1/13/2005 CW 2 866984 866985
1/13/2005 FC 16 866968 866983
1/13/2005 BB 2 866966 866967
1/13/2005 SM 1 866965 866965
1/13/2005 LI 4 866961 866964
1/13/2005 GS 4 866957 866960
1/13/2005 K 6 866951 866956
1/13/2005 SP 3 866948 866950
1/13/2005 SY 10 866938 866947
1/13/2005 PC 6 866932 866937
1/13/2005 KP 5 866927 866931
1/13/2005 MY 4 866923 866926
1/13/2005 DSJ 6 866917 866922
1/13/2005 PP 1 866916 866916
1/13/2005 KT 6 866910 866915
1/13/2005 WG 2 866908 866909
1/13/2005 DM 6 866902 866907
1/12/2005 GM 2 866900 866901
1/12/2005 UR 5 866895 866899
1/11/2005 BP 20 866875 866894
1/11/2005 RF 4 866871 866874
1/11/2005 ASG 6 866865 866870
1/11/2005 PB 1 866864 866864
1/11/2005 ED 4 866860 866863
1/11/2005 DH 2 866858 866859
1/11/2005 JP 2 866856 866857
1/11/2005 RAB 4 866852 866855
1/11/2005 TB 1 866851 866851
1/11/2005 PF 5 866846 866850
1/11/2005 JW 5 866841 866845
1/11/2005 PB 1 866840 866840
1/11/2005 GI 6 866834 866839
1/11/2005 SK 1 866833 866833
1/11/2005 JPR 1 866832 866832
1/11/2005 KX B 5 866827 866831
1/11/2005 PO 1 866826 866826
1/11/2005 PH 1 866825 866825
1/11/2005 MW 1 866824 866824
1/11/2005 MC 2 866822 866823
1/11/2005 PT 1 866821 866821
1/11/2005 PT 1 866820 866820
1/11/2005 PT 1 866819 866819
1/11/2005 PT 1 866818 866818
1/11/2005 RH 2 866816 866817
1/10/2005 TG 8 866808 866815
1/10/2005 DC 8 866800 866807
1/15/2005 JP 5 866795 866799
1/15/2005 GJ 1 866794 866794
1/15/2005 HP 2 866792 866793
1/15/2005 PR 1 866791 866791
1/15/2005 JR 4 866787 866790
1/15/2005 FL 2 866785 866786
1/14/2005 TS 10 866775 866784
1/14/2005 RD 1 866774 866774
1/14/2005 BP 2 866772 866773
1/14/2005 JR 1 866771 866771
1/14/2005 DM 5 866766 866770
1/14/2005 DD 4 866762 866765
1/14/2005 XA 30 866732 866761
1/14/2005 CW 4 866728 866731
1/14/2005 MM 5 866723 866727
1/14/2005 PP 1 866722 866722
1/14/2005 ID 2 866720 866721
1/14/2005 GB 12 866708 866719
1/14/2005 RA 5 866703 866707
1/14/2005 DD 4 866699 866702
1/14/2005 NH 6 866693 866698
1/13/2005 KR 4 866689 866692
1/13/2005 HR 5 866684 866688
1/13/2005 JG 10 866674 866683
1/13/2005 MA 4 866670 866673
1/13/2005 DW 10 866660 866669
1/13/2005 AL 2 866658 866659
1/13/2005 JL 4 866654 866657
1/13/2005 WUI 10 866644 866653
1/13/2005 JL 5 866639 866643
1/13/2005 LJM 4 866635 866638
1/13/2005 CW 1 866634 866634
1/13/2005 GK 1 866633 866633
1/13/2005 KS 10 866623 866632
1/13/2005 WM 2 866621 866622
1/13/2005 Kz 4 866617 866620
1/13/2005 AK 10 866607 866616
1/13/2005 KE 4 866603 866606
1/13/2005 K 6 866597 866602
1/13/2005 JA 5 866592 866596
1/13/2005 EW I 3 866589 866591
1/13/2005 JS 2 866587 866588
1/13/2005 DM 8 866579 866586
1/13/2005 DM 8 866571 866578
1/13/2005 CC 2 866569 866570
1/12/2005 MA 10 866559 866568
1/12/2005 MP 20 866539 866558
1/11/2005 MN 5 866534 866538
1/11/2005 RI 20 866514 866533
1/11/2005 RH 30 866484 866513
1/10/2005 MPM 2 866482 866483
1/10/2005 WO 1 866481 866481
1/10/2005 I 10 866471 866480
1/10/2005 EM 4 866467 866470
1/10/2005 BC 20 866447 866466
1/10/2005 FS 1 866446 866446
1/9/2005 DT 2 866444 866445
1/8/2005 JM 20 866424 866443
1/8/2005 AS 40 866384 866423
1/8/2005 RS 15 866369 866383

Friends Of Claudio Silva
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Old 01-15-2005, 04:06 PM
ricki's Avatar
ricki ricki is offline
Site Admin
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Florida
Posts: 8,700
Default claudio raffle ticket numbers


The former list of numbers posted yesterday included transaction numbers that were issue to us that are DIFFERENT from the ones that PayPal initially gave you. It is PayPal's policy to change these numbers which was not known to us when we used the transaction numbers to report raffle numbers.

The following list gives initials and the date of the transaction as reported by PayPal. These were the raffle tickets used in last evening's raffle. If there are questions please PM ricki. Sorry for the confusion.

Date..........Name (Initials)...# Of Tickets...Start #...Final #
1/15/2005........WN...................20...........8675 37...867556
1/15/2005...........Z....................1............8 67536...867536
1/15/2005...........Z....................1............8 67535...867535
1/15/2005 Z 1 867534 867534
1/15/2005 Z 1 867533 867533
1/15/2005 Z 1 867532 867532
1/15/2005 JP 5 867527 867531
1/15/2005 BH 4 867523 867526
1/15/2005 LD 6 867517 867522
1/15/2005 AH 1 867516 867516
1/15/2005 RB 2 867514 867515
1/15/2005 GW 10 867504 867513
1/15/2005 FC 2 867502 867503
1/15/2005 OG 8 867494 867501
1/15/2005 DH 3 867491 867493
1/15/2005 RD 20 867471 867490
1/15/2005 MC 10 867461 867470
1/15/2005 DJ 5 867456 867460
1/15/2005 FC 10 867446 867455
1/15/2005 RH 4 867442 867445
1/15/2005 TR 1 867441 867441
1/15/2005 KB 2 867439 867440
1/15/2005 AD 2 867437 867438
1/15/2005 AS 2 867435 867436
1/15/2005 BM 20 867415 867434
1/15/2005 JR 1 867414 867414
1/15/2005 BM 5 867409 867413
1/15/2005 RG 2 867407 867408
1/15/2005 JC 1 867406 867406
1/15/2005 JS 1 867405 867405
1/15/2005 RH 4 867401 867404
1/15/2005 RHs 3 867398 867400
1/14/2005 TK 1 867397 867397
1/14/2005 KN 4 867393 867396
1/14/2005 JVZ 2 867391 867392
1/14/2005 JVZ 6 867385 867390
1/14/2005 DC 1 867384 867384
1/14/2005 HC 4 867380 867383
1/14/2005 DL 10 867370 867379
1/14/2005 NB 4 867366 867369
1/14/2005 EM 2 867364 867365
1/14/2005 KM 2 867362 867363
1/14/2005 SK 2 867360 867361
1/14/2005 MG 1 867359 867359
1/14/2005 CC 2 867357 867358
1/14/2005 AG 10 867347 867356
1/14/2005 DC 2 867345 867346
1/14/2005 DO 6 867339 867344
1/14/2005 CM 4 867335 867338
1/14/2005 RM 1 867334 867334
1/14/2005 RM 1 867333 867333
1/14/2005 RM 1 867332 867332
1/14/2005 RM 1 867331 867331
1/14/2005 AO 4 867327 867330
1/14/2005 RF 8 867319 867326
1/14/2005 MH 8 867311 867318
1/14/2005 GS 4 867307 867310
1/14/2005 BK 4 867303 867306
1/14/2005 AS 2 867301 867302
1/14/2005 DC 1 867300 867300
1/14/2005 TF 10 867290 867299
1/14/2005 RP 1 867289 867289
1/14/2005 JC 1 867288 867288
1/14/2005 MP 5 867283 867287
1/14/2005 JJ 10 867273 867282
1/14/2005 FF 4 867269 867272
1/14/2005 JG 4 867265 867268
1/14/2005 HW 5 867260 867264
1/14/2005 BG 1 867259 867259
1/14/2005 GM 15 867244 867258
1/14/2005 DSJ 20 867224 867243
1/14/2005 CHI. KB 1 867223 867223
1/14/2005 DQ 20 867203 867222
1/14/2005 PM 10 867193 867202
1/14/2005 SM 1 867192 867192
1/14/2005 JE 4 867188 867191
1/14/2005 NC 4 867184 867187
1/14/2005 TWT 10 867174 867183
1/14/2005 MP 2 867172 867173
1/14/2005 TJ 4 867168 867171
1/14/2005 MK 5 867163 867167
1/14/2005 KY 8 867155 867162
1/14/2005 IH 4 867151 867154
1/14/2005 JPR 1 867150 867150
1/14/2005 GI 6 867144 867149
1/14/2005 JD 5 867139 867143
1/14/2005 BK 1 867138 867138
1/14/2005 PH 6 867132 867137
1/14/2005 RA 5 867127 867131
1/14/2005 UR 5 867122 867126
1/14/2005 TR 2 867120 867121
1/14/2005 SB 10 867110 867119
1/14/2005 AR 4 867106 867109
1/13/2005 DSJ 2 867104 867105
1/13/2005 DW 2 867102 867103
1/13/2005 KR 10 867092 867101
1/13/2005 KL 8 867084 867091
1/13/2005 LM 4 867080 867083
1/13/2005 RKK 1 867079 867079
1/13/2005 HR 2 867077 867078
1/13/2005 RM 20 867057 867076
1/13/2005 RKK 2 867055 867056
1/13/2005 WM 2 867053 867054
1/13/2005 DC 2 867051 867052
1/13/2005 BW 1 867050 867050
1/13/2005 MA 4 867046 867049
1/13/2005 BG 2 867044 867045
1/13/2005 GDVD 10 867034 867043
1/13/2005 S SA d CV 4 867030 867033
1/13/2005 MD 2 867028 867029
1/13/2005 PNSA 2 867026 867027
1/13/2005 MM 10 867016 867025
1/13/2005 BA 1 867015 867015
1/13/2005 JB 18 866997 867014
1/13/2005 LL 2 866995 866996
1/13/2005 SF 4 866991 866994
1/13/2005 FM 1 866990 866990
1/13/2005 TS 1 866989 866989
1/13/2005 PP 3 866986 866988
1/13/2005 CW 2 866984 866985
1/13/2005 FC 16 866968 866983
1/13/2005 BB 2 866966 866967
1/13/2005 SM 1 866965 866965
1/13/2005 LI 4 866961 866964
1/13/2005 GS 4 866957 866960
1/13/2005 K 6 866951 866956
1/13/2005 SP 3 866948 866950
1/13/2005 SY 10 866938 866947
1/13/2005 PC 6 866932 866937
1/13/2005 KP 5 866927 866931
1/13/2005 MY 4 866923 866926
1/13/2005 DSJ 6 866917 866922
1/13/2005 PP 1 866916 866916
1/13/2005 KT 6 866910 866915
1/13/2005 WG 2 866908 866909
1/13/2005 DM 6 866902 866907
1/12/2005 GM 2 866900 866901
1/12/2005 UR 5 866895 866899
1/11/2005 BP 20 866875 866894
1/11/2005 RF 4 866871 866874
1/11/2005 ASG 6 866865 866870
1/11/2005 PB 1 866864 866864
1/11/2005 ED 4 866860 866863
1/11/2005 DH 2 866858 866859
1/11/2005 JP 2 866856 866857
1/11/2005 RAB 4 866852 866855
1/11/2005 TB 1 866851 866851
1/11/2005 PF 5 866846 866850
1/11/2005 JW 5 866841 866845
1/11/2005 PB 1 866840 866840
1/11/2005 GI 6 866834 866839
1/11/2005 SK 1 866833 866833
1/11/2005 JPR 1 866832 866832
1/11/2005 KX B 5 866827 866831
1/11/2005 PO 1 866826 866826
1/11/2005 PH 1 866825 866825
1/11/2005 MW 1 866824 866824
1/11/2005 MC 2 866822 866823
1/11/2005 PT 1 866821 866821
1/11/2005 PT 1 866820 866820
1/11/2005 PT 1 866819 866819
1/11/2005 PT 1 866818 866818
1/11/2005 RH 2 866816 866817
1/10/2005 TG 8 866808 866815
1/10/2005 DC 8 866800 866807
1/15/2005 JP 5 866795 866799
1/15/2005 GJ 1 866794 866794
1/15/2005 HP 2 866792 866793
1/15/2005 PR 1 866791 866791
1/15/2005 JR 4 866787 866790
1/15/2005 FL 2 866785 866786
1/14/2005 TS 10 866775 866784
1/14/2005 RD 1 866774 866774
1/14/2005 BP 2 866772 866773
1/14/2005 JR 1 866771 866771
1/14/2005 DM 5 866766 866770
1/14/2005 DD 4 866762 866765
1/14/2005 XA 30 866732 866761
1/14/2005 CW 4 866728 866731
1/14/2005 MM 5 866723 866727
1/14/2005 PP 1 866722 866722
1/14/2005 ID 2 866720 866721
1/14/2005 GB 12 866708 866719
1/14/2005 RA 5 866703 866707
1/14/2005 DD 4 866699 866702
1/14/2005 NH 6 866693 866698
1/13/2005 KR 4 866689 866692
1/13/2005 HR 5 866684 866688
1/13/2005 JG 10 866674 866683
1/13/2005 MA 4 866670 866673
1/13/2005 DW 10 866660 866669
1/13/2005 AL 2 866658 866659
1/13/2005 JL 4 866654 866657
1/13/2005 WUI 10 866644 866653
1/13/2005 JL 5 866639 866643
1/13/2005 LJM 4 866635 866638
1/13/2005 CW 1 866634 866634
1/13/2005 GK 1 866633 866633
1/13/2005 KS 10 866623 866632
1/13/2005 WM 2 866621 866622
1/13/2005 Kz 4 866617 866620
1/13/2005 AK 10 866607 866616
1/13/2005 KE 4 866603 866606
1/13/2005 K 6 866597 866602
1/13/2005 JA 5 866592 866596
1/13/2005 EW I 3 866589 866591
1/13/2005 JS 2 866587 866588
1/13/2005 DM 8 866579 866586
1/13/2005 DM 8 866571 866578
1/13/2005 CC 2 866569 866570
1/12/2005 MA 10 866559 866568
1/12/2005 MP 20 866539 866558
1/11/2005 MN 5 866534 866538
1/11/2005 RI 20 866514 866533
1/11/2005 RH 30 866484 866513
1/10/2005 MPM 2 866482 866483
1/10/2005 WO 1 866481 866481
1/10/2005 I 10 866471 866480
1/10/2005 EM 4 866467 866470
1/10/2005 BC 20 866447 866466
1/10/2005 FS 1 866446 866446
1/9/2005 DT 2 866444 866445
1/8/2005 JM 20 866424 866443
1/8/2005 AS 40 866384 866423
1/8/2005 RS 15 866369 866383

Friends Of Claudio Silva
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