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Old 10-31-2005, 10:07 AM
~emily. ~emily. is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Costa Rica or SF Bay, CA
Posts: 2
Default Guarenteed Wind: Costa Rica

The Kitehouse Costa Rica
November 15 - March 15

Costa Rica is a popular destination for all kinds of visitors from all over the world. But Bahia Salinas is NOT a normal tourist destination. It is tucked away in a fairly remote and sparsely populated corner of the country. You are minutes away from totally vacant pristine white sugar-sand beaches. And a short drive from world-class surf breaks and amazing volcanoes and rainforests. But the best part is that you will be staying right on the beach with warm water & warm winds right out the door! The Kitehouse has the latest gear available for you to ride. And remember, its windy (really windy) almost every day November through March - We guarantee it.

Kitehouse Packages from $269/week include lodging, breakfast, and lunch. Kiteboarding and Windsurfing Gear Rentals and Instruction are Available.

Guaranteed Wind -- If it's not windy, It's free!

If you want to know more about what you can expect on your kiteboarding or windsurfing vacation to Bahia Salinas, you can read about other peoples' trips here and here.

We'd love to see you there! I hope you can come. You can find more information and book a trip at just click on "travel."
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