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Old 01-02-2013, 07:37 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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Posts: 8,700
Default Killer LAMP/Drupal Wind Work!

This just in from ikitesurf ...

"WeatherFlow Inc. is a leader in the private sector weather industry, with over two decades of experience in applying the latest in observational, modeling, and forecasting technology to its clients’ most challenging problems. Our team members work out of offices in six states, with highly trained and seasoned professionals working in engineering, modeling, data handling, web development, customer service, and business development functions. We are looking for a contract LAMP/Drupal developer for 2-3 months to help with the implementation of our killer re-design and re-development of


-You enjoy and excel in LAMP/Drupal development and you have at-least 2+ years of real world experience
-You have a solid foundation of modern HTML5, CSS, JavaScript & semi-responsive design
-You are comfortable creating and working with creating and managing Drupal modules
-You have some experience working with subscription based e-commerce applications and high-load web applications
-You love the web, take pride in doing killer work, and you care about the details
-You’ll fit in with our team as an honest, responsible, and humble person with a sense of humor
-You are comfortable prioritizing, managing, and balancing multiple tasks

How to apply

Send an email to rroberts at with “Drupal Developer” in the subject line. Include a link to your online portfolio and a PDF of your resume. Telecommuting OK, but preferred you live in the Charleston, SC area.

Ryan Roberts
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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