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Old 09-19-2012, 10:21 AM
tmonty tmonty is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 2
Default $280.00 *** Brand New Liquid Force Kite Fish 5'-3

I have a brand new Liquid Force Kite Fish 5'-3" kiteboard for sale. The photo is a generic photo and does NOT show the straps that are on the board.

I also purchased a set of custom fins from Tarifa Fin Company in Spain when I bought the Kite Fish after reading some reviews that the board was slippery with the small fins that came with the board. These fins are twice the size and I will include them with the board for an extra $60.00 (paid $120.00 for them).

Email me if you would like pictures of the actual board.

Thank you for looking.

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