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Old 09-27-2007, 09:25 AM
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ricki ricki is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Florida
Posts: 8,700
Exclamation Want to buy or sell gear, Please Read This !!!

Kiteboarding can be a hazardous sport and it looks A LOT simpler than it actually can be. Almost anyone can learn to steer an airplane in minutes, ok, now land it!? Kiting can be like that and skill in other activities be it windsurfing, surfing, wakeboarding, skiing, whatever may not make all that much difference in self-instruction. It may look like a big toy kite on steroids but it can be a lot more than that. Adequate, Quality Pro Instruction is Essential! It is common mistake to conclude you can figure it out but your risk, that of bystanders and to our access to ride go way up. Also, it is very easy to damage or destroy your kite (maybe even yourself), this way.

Want to kite, fine, get adequate lessons FIRST, then worry about buying some gear. By then you will be far more likely to know what to buy that will work best for you.

More about getting into the sport, finding instruction, etc. at:

Dramatic images of guys trying to figure out kiting on their own appear at the following links. These guys were extremely lucky in how things worked out despite serious injury. There have been MANY others beyond these two examples.

Sellers should ENSURE that a Purchaser has taken instruction from a recognized Professional Kiteboarding Instructor prior to selling any kiting equipment. Purchasers should have equipment purchased from this page inspected and/or serviced by a qualified kiteboarding shop or professional. Just because yours is a "private" sale doesn't mean you don't have responsibilities to try and ensure the buyer has adequate kiting instruction to reduce accidents and threats to access.

This WEB space and service is provided free of charge to users by the Florida Kitesurfing Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Page Owner", assumes no liability whatsoever nor expresses any warranty whatsoever for any equipment listed here for sale by advertisers or consequences related to transactions. Transactions conducted from this page between the Seller and the Purchaser are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY of the Seller and Purchaser.

By conducting sales or purchases from this page the Seller and Purchaser agree to hold the Page Owner harmless from any and all liability resulting from the sale, use or condition of the listed equipment. By listing or purchasing listed equipment on or from this page, you agree to abide by this disclaimer. The terms and/or conditions for the sale or purchase of equipment listed on this page will be arranged and agreed upon between the Seller and the Purchaser. Any breach of agreed upon terms will be handled solely by and between the Seller and the Purchaser.
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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