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Old 08-08-2008, 05:42 PM
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Big G Big G is offline
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Old 08-08-2008, 06:15 PM
Skyway Scott
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Geezo Peezo.... now THAT might be overkill
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Old 08-08-2008, 07:07 PM
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Big G Big G is offline
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That is over kill! I talked to the guy and he is appears to be very honest. He was actually willing to send the kite and do a refund if it is to much.

The Spleen Door arrived today at 11:00 am and by 1:00, it was a blowin. I tried it out at Picnic with the 15m ION and am delited to say that it performed very well. I think I even had the fin on incorrectly and it still rode great!

For now , I'll wait on a larger kite. The board has made a BIG difference.

Thanks Guys.

Big G
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Old 08-08-2008, 10:28 PM
Skyway Scott
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Buy it... buy it.... I wanna try it. LOL
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Old 08-08-2008, 11:45 PM
conchxpress conchxpress is offline
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Default Spleene fins

Originally Posted by Big G View Post

The Spleen Door arrived today at 11:00 am and by 1:00, it was a blowin. I tried it out at Picnic with the 15m ION and am delited to say that it performed very well. I think I even had the fin on incorrectly and it still rode great!

Large fins closer to the centerline of the board, small fins on the heelside. Thought it was weird when I first got mine, but contacted the company and that's how they go.

Good riding

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Old 08-09-2008, 08:08 AM
Whitey Whitey is offline
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I don't think you would be very happy with that 26m P2. Not a high aspect kite, not made anymore, theres a reason it's $650 when all the SA's and Speed 1.5's and 2's are selling for two to three times that much. But if he will let you try it at no risk, find out. If you want a great place to get some info from folks that know and are using these kites check out
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