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Old 06-03-2009, 09:36 PM
Whitey Whitey is offline
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Default Honeymood Island State Park (time out)

We were out last Friday at Honeymoon Island and were stopped by a deputy that informed us that starting Tuesday (day before yesterday) that if we launched our kites on park property (including 400 ft offshore from mean low tide line) we would be given a ticket ($88). He explained that the rules are in place but have not been enforced. After a lengthy discussion he suggested that I talk with the park manager to see if we could work out an arrangement to allow our use of the park for our sport.

I spoke with Pete Krulder the manager of the park today. He ask that we not kite there untill he had some time to work on the situation. Maybe up to a week. I ask that everyone respect his request and give us time to work together. He was very nice and understood that we are willing to work with them on a reasonable solution.

They have concerns with kiters insisting on riding right next to the shore line where non kiters are on the beach, and having our kites fly over nesting sites of the shore birds. He mentioned that this issue involves several state parks and the FWC.

With the lack of wind it should not be a problem for everyone to comply with his request. I will post as soon as he gets back to me. Thanks for your support. Please keep things positive as we do not know what they are going to come back with. I only post this to avoid someone getting a fine, not to stir up a mess.
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:34 AM
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Thanks for the heads up bro. Man... hope this gets straightened out soon. :|
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:39 AM
Tony Tony is offline
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Default Honeymoon


If there is anything we can do - let us know. I am sure the sunset beach crew would be more than willing to help - Me, Todd, Brian, Drew, Doug, Derrick, etc. This is one of the best spots in all of Tampa to ride. Lets hope you can work something out.

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Old 06-04-2009, 07:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Tony View Post

If there is anything we can do - let us know. I am sure the sunset beach crew would be more than willing to help - Me, Todd, Brian, Drew, Doug, Derrick, etc. This is one of the best spots in all of Tampa to ride. Lets hope you can work something out.


ABSOLUTELY! I live in Dunedin and will do anything to help!
(hope this doesn't apply to Caladesi too)
"I LOVE the smell of WIND in the morning... Smells like..... KITING!!"

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Old 06-04-2009, 08:56 AM
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I can't imagine anyone more perfect than Craig to try and work this problem. Usually I freak out about stuff like this, but with Craig I have no worries. No pressure man.
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Old 06-04-2009, 09:32 AM
Whitey Whitey is offline
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Thanks for the support.

I will make the call for help when I know what we are up aganist. At this point I have faith in my fellow man and hope that the park manager will do the right thing by not over reacting, and working with us to get an approved area to safely exit and enter the park grounds, allowing us access to enjoy the waters outside of park boundries, while the other visitors of the park can continue to enjoy the beauty of watching our sport, with out the concern of us getting too close to them.

I can't remember the last time I was there that someone did not come up to me after the session and tell me how much they enjoyed watching us while they were sitting on the beach, and I have been there a few times.

I will keep you posted.
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Old 06-05-2009, 06:48 PM
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If we can do anything to help let us know.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:11 PM
Mike T Mike T is offline
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Just an FYI I found a thread from 4/19/2007 on this forum that (North Beach/Big Beach closed to kiting from April 15th through the end of August all of the west facing beaches of Fort Desoto will be closed to kiteboarders due to new bird nesting regulations for Piping Plovers and Great American Oyster Catchers. The rangers at Honeymoon might just be following the new regulations for the national parks and FWC And bird nesting areas. Just some info: Mike T
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