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Old 06-06-2006, 09:23 AM
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Default Another dose of reality...
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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Old 06-06-2006, 10:33 AM
Skyway Scott
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Definitely sad. Sounds like it was preventable.

Sometimes though, stuff just happens on a launch. I still recommend launching with one hand on your QR, just in case. It's hard to find it once stuff starts getting hairy. Very sad story. I would hope we would simply INSIST the person not launch if this was to happen/be witnessed here.
Without using names (guy is gone now anyway), several years ago (5 ) 3 of us insisted our friend not launch his kite in 30+ knots out at the Undertow. He had a 10m Fuel I believe. It was one of those days it nukes ALL day, and he hadn't ridden in weeks and had waited all day. He really wanted to ride.
It was hairy. 2 guys were holding on to him and all three were getting dragged. We realized what a bad decision him riding would be and insisted (against his will) that he was NOT riding that day.

He was PISSED when we forced him to land his kite and bitched about it for days and days and said we weren't his friends.
It sure was nice to have him around tho :P
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Old 06-06-2006, 12:41 PM
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toby wilson toby wilson is offline
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This is the website I got my helmet from. E-Bone asked about it yesterday. I stongly advise anyone to check these out. VERY solid and you look pretty sweet in it even if you are eating sh!t and getting worked!!!

VERY sad story though, I just called Amber and insisted that she buy a Shred Ready helmet before she take ANY lessons...

Lets keep our local fatality rate where it is (at 0%) by staying safe and encouraging safety and helping out newbies with a smile on our faces!!!
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Old 06-06-2006, 12:55 PM
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bryanleighty bryanleighty is offline
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sports authority has some very nice helmets in their wakeboard area .. they are super comfy and look to be quality. going to pick one up this week before trip to hatteras.

think they run from 40 - 60 $.

They are rated at the same level as the Shredready...
might not look at snazzy (shred helmets are quality stuff) but they will serve and protect.
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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Old 06-06-2006, 01:01 PM
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toby wilson toby wilson is offline
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Pro-tec helmets are great. Don't get me wrong. But Skyway Scott pointed out in a previous thread that the vents in those will definitely not help to keep you warm when riding in the winter time. My helmet will hold the body heat in my head...just a thought. But on another note, you'll spend double for a Shred Ready so it is all personal preference, in my eyes, it'll just be good to see all of my bro's protecting their melons just in case something like this happens here!!!

I'd actually LOVE to see EVERYONE in the area wearing helmets and basically "requiring" all newbies to do the same...maybe a pipe dream but just want to see everyone as safe as possible...
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:11 PM
Skyway Scott
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I actually have 3 of those ProTechs. One is yours for free.
(Edit : Donna just reminded me I ran one over with the truck. Well, I have a black one you can have)

Yeah, in the winter, those vents super COOL your head. No lie, if its 45 degrees out it gets unbearable. Your head will turn to a pospsicle.
I filled the inside lining of mine with neoprene to keep it warmer, but not much help.
Besides, the shred reddy's just look KILLA'.

Donna and I are gonna try to ride today. Either backside or the beach. Just ask for the helmet.
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:26 PM
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No need to take it for myself my friend!

I have one and am just going to buy a better one.

But I wil take it off your hands (as you are leaving the city tomorrow) and offer it up to anyone that needs one.

Perhaps Toby's better half? Victoria? Any other new riders that should be wearing one...

Even the cheap helmets at walmart (10 bucks) will protect you..

Beyond the obvious "being pulled into a stationary object" risk.. the subtle clip of the board to an area on your head could kill you like it just did to that seasoned rider in Brazil a couple months ago.. just a small crash and the board got him in the head.. died a number of days later.

i admit that lately in the lighter winds i have been wearing my helmet less.. but i am going to change that..

couldnt think of anything worse than being hurt doing something you love to do.
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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Old 06-06-2006, 01:29 PM
Skyway Scott
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No doubt.

I am heading out to Blue Flag with Donna right now
The helmet is AWESOME when it is warm out, I am not knocking it at all, just agreeing that Toby's might be better year round. Plus, c'mon.. they look KILLA'......

Actually getting hurt doing something you hate to do, might be even worse!

Such as: Falling off of a rooftop while replacing broken tiles. :evil:
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:40 PM
Kasper Kasper is offline
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Always very sad to hear something like that.. There is a guy saying that anyone kiting for a while has had their seconds chances.. I tottally agree with him, sometimes bad things happen.. you just want to be in a place where you know you will get a second chance when it does.. Actually my lines were tangled on a launch last week on the beach and I didn't see it until the kite was in the air.. It mashed straight into the ground and nothing happened (except for me stomach surfing on the beach).. Pure luck!!! It could've started looping.. I started tripple checking my lines again since then, and think the the finger on the QR is something I will start.. Great idea Scott..
Hope to see the seabreeze kicking about now so I can try it out today..
Kasper Kaergaard
fuel 7, 11 & 15
Wind is what we need!!!
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Old 06-06-2006, 01:44 PM
Optionryder420 Optionryder420 is offline
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I have a helmet, I just no longer use it...

It falls off my head sometimes and chokes me.

I'd buy a shredready but I don't have enough money at the moment...

Lets just hope for no accidents.
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