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Old 04-12-2006, 08:17 PM
Eagle Eagle is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: St Pete
Posts: 154
Default Jimmy Lewis

First I would like to thank Danny aka Inferno for contacting Jimmy Lewis regarding a recent lost/stolen board and turning the problem into a solution.
Crazy Jay deserves props for suggesting Allen's friends chip in and cover the cost of a new board.

Big Air Al has recieved a new 139 JL Model III straight from the factory in Vietnam, brought back personally by Jimmy at his cost.
Words cannot describe the integrity and character of Jimmy and I hope others take notice and consider contacting him if you are in the market for a custom board or one of his production boards.
Jimmy can be contacted at and if you've got time drop him a line or two of props, he certainly deserves it.

Its great to see the community come together and it shows we can achieve more working together than apart.

Kite safe and keep it real

Tampa Bay Wind and Weather
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