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Old 07-29-2004, 08:59 PM
administrator administrator is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 170
Default Welcome, Please Read This

Here is a place to let the world know about the new great things coming to market. It would be great to create a productive, controlled environment in which manufacturers and leaders in the sport and business of kiteboarding can impart information directly to the kiteboarding community without concern of flamming or overt disrespect. Sadly, these reactions are all too common on the Internet compelling many leaders in the kiteboarding community to "lurker" status. I believe this hurts our sport. I hope to avoid this sort of negative disincentive from developing on this Forum through the enforcement of posting protocols.

Commercial interests are requested to observe the following in posting:

"Healthy competition is the key. Some rules/laws for advertising exist in France to avoid unhealthy competition, I assume it is the same rules world wide (?). I think they would be applied here.
1/ a company can praise its products as much as it wants but it can't compare with competition and certainly not criticize other products.
For example, "my product is better than this one or than the other ones" is forbidden for any kind of advertising here.
2/ a company can't lie about the qualities of its products (to give wrong informations)
3/ a company can't give unverifiable informations as "we have the fastest kite, we make the highest jumps..." unless they have proof as competition results.
Obviously this is not applied to the customers, they are free to say what they think about the products."**

This is a quote taken from Bruno Legaignoux on the kitesurf egroups list on July 5, 1998. This Forum provides controls and user information that weren't available on the kitesurf list so hopefully we will succeed where they sadly did not in this one goal.

This is an experiment and I believe it would be a nice thing to have around if it works out.

Over to you ...
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Old 07-29-2004, 08:59 PM
administrator administrator is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 170
Default Welcome, Please Read This

Here is a place to let the world know about the new great things coming to market. It would be great to create a productive, controlled environment in which manufacturers and leaders in the sport and business of kiteboarding can impart information directly to the kiteboarding community without concern of flamming or overt disrespect. Sadly, these reactions are all too common on the Internet compelling many leaders in the kiteboarding community to "lurker" status. I believe this hurts our sport. I hope to avoid this sort of negative disincentive from developing on this Forum through the enforcement of posting protocols.

Commercial interests are requested to observe the following in posting:

"Healthy competition is the key. Some rules/laws for advertising exist in France to avoid unhealthy competition, I assume it is the same rules world wide (?). I think they would be applied here.
1/ a company can praise its products as much as it wants but it can't compare with competition and certainly not criticize other products.
For example, "my product is better than this one or than the other ones" is forbidden for any kind of advertising here.
2/ a company can't lie about the qualities of its products (to give wrong informations)
3/ a company can't give unverifiable informations as "we have the fastest kite, we make the highest jumps..." unless they have proof as competition results.
Obviously this is not applied to the customers, they are free to say what they think about the products."**

This is a quote taken from Bruno Legaignoux on the kitesurf egroups list on July 5, 1998. This Forum provides controls and user information that weren't available on the kitesurf list so hopefully we will succeed where they sadly did not in this one goal.

This is an experiment and I believe it would be a nice thing to have around if it works out.

Over to you ...
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