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Old 03-17-2008, 09:18 AM
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toby wilson toby wilson is offline
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Originally Posted by Skyway Scott View Post

Please PM and let me know who called you. It had to be the same the guy that called me and left a message. I can't figure out who it was. Thanks.

Toby, why do you think we would lose EB due to one incident or a guy doing something wrong?
Did Jim give you that impression? I am under the impression he is willing to ban individuals if necessary, but not us all.
If he told you otherwise, I would like to know. I am under a different impression and have therefore been pretty laid back out at EB when I see somewhat about to do a semi kook launch, etc., but maybe things have changed recently.
Did he say something to make you believe that we could all be banned from EB? If so, it's a no brainer that we need to talk with him and figure out more strict self regulation steps out there pronto.
Well if we have guys slamming kites down on tourists I just don't think that it would follow the safety that you and I preach each and every day Scott. I did discuss access with him and he said we were okay because we didn't get any complaints except from one windsurfer that was frustrated that we had monopolized the area. He told them that the ocean was big enough for us all and I agreed telling him that we liked riding with the polesurfers. He did, however say that he would need to reassess that if we started getting complaints (which we haven't, YET). But then again, no innocent bystander has gotten cut by lines or smashed into by a kite or drug down the beach that I can remember...once again...YET. Nipping kooky behavior in the bud is what I thought we had discussed prior to now and if we want to approach it 'laid back', that if fine but if I had been a newb, I would have been hit by a kite (and lines) not once but twice by the same rider Saturday. If someone had been standing downwind of this rider, they would have been hit by the kite. And if noone had helped this rider like I did, he was screwed because the kite was inverted and dragging him and he didn't have the sense to unhook and depower the kite. So seeing as Jim was super cool but and expressed his interest in us and support, he did also mention that if issues started occurring on a regular basis, he would need to reassess. Imagine how many kites will be on the water in 3 years at EB on any given day. Should we start now or just wait until access is threatened? I vote for showing Ft. DeSoto and Jim Wilson that we are a proactive, responsible group and not reactive. I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but the signs and tagging system never happened and I personally thought it was the best approach...
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